Deck & Engine Store
Deck Store Our priority is provide every marine, offshore equipment and spare parts in top quality with necessary certifications that a vessel may need during her voyage and mission within our 'best price and efficient service' policy while …

Provisions Store
Provisions Store GMS | GAMARENDS MARINE SUPPLY Company in supply of provisions and stores to ships of every kind, marine and offshore industries. We offer a extensive range of fresh, frozen and dry provisions. By sourcing products from all over …

Bonded Store
Bonded Store offers a complete range of fresh, frozen and dry provision. Our purchasing department sources products from all over the world to ensure that the correct balance of price and quality is always achieved. We stock a wide range of …

Navigational Store
Navigational Store We can deliver on time and at competitive prices a huge range of electronics and navigation supplies including; Radars, Pilots, Medical, Reference Books Sonars & Code Flags GPS VHF, UHF Radios Photocopiers …

Safety Equipment
Safety Equipment GMS | Gamarends Marine Supply can offer a full range of SOLAS and local authority approved lifesaving equipment including: Lifejackets Rescue Boats Life-rings and Flares Lifebuoy Lights and Clocks Anti-exposure …

Medical Store
Medical Store We are can source and deliver to your vessel an excellent range of medical stores including first aid kits, hospital supplies, reference books & texts, medical drugs, stretchers, anti seasickness tablets, medical oxygen and …