GMS | CV. GAMARENDS MARINE SUPPLY. opened his doors in 2000 with an office and a small warehouse in Surabaya-East Java, which was at this time the center of the shipping industry in Indonesia..
We started to offer provision and consumables on One-Stop-Shop supply service basis to meet the expectation of our customers since more than 10 years. With positive feedback from our clients we changed our premises and started to store provisions from international market in order to meet the highest standards of the world ship supply industry. We are the first Indonesia ship chandling company to have a fully established transit warehouse with a large range of products, dedicated exclusively to ship supply. The increase of work and sales volume forced us to enlarge our network with the establishment of our sub offices in the new ports of Indonesia.
GMS grew up to a modern ship supply company with all the newest supply chain technologies to accomplish all the provisions, stores and repair solutions. Our team, almost 15 skillful professionals are working on full time basis and 24 hours a day to encounter the demands of our clients. We are proud to keep the necessary business ethics together with a high level in quality services, while staying competitive against the odds of increasing competitions and the uncertainty of the world mark
ISO 9001 : 2015

ISO 22000 : 2018